Questions to ask your Catholic school student

Parent: “How was your day?”

Child: “Fine.”

Parent: “What’d you do at school?”

Child: “Nothing.”

Sound familiar?

Everyone wants their children to be successful in school but sometimes it can be hard to get details straight from the source on how things are going. Below are some questions you might try asking.

  • What was the best part of your day? Or what was your favorite activity today? And tell me why that was so fun.
  • What was the most interesting thing you learned today?
  • What is one good thing that happened today?
  • Who did you play with at recess today and what did you do? Or who did you sit with at lunch today? See any good snack ideas we could bring next time?
  • Is there anything you would change about your class (or your school?)
  • Did anything happen today that you didn’t like?
  • If you could teach the class tomorrow, what would YOU teach them?
  • How did you live like (or for) Jesus today?


Tip: As most parents already know, asking all of these questions in one day wouldn’t necessarily produce a meaningful conversation result but hopefully trying a few of these can be a starting point for your family.

Let us know: 

What questions would you add to this list?

What has been the most surprising thing you’ve learned in talks so far this school year?