Catholic Schools 2020-2021
We are proud to consult with and facilitate collaboration among our Metro and rural Catholic school principals, who have remained steadfast and flexible through the pandemic.
As a decentralized district, we encourage families to reach out to each school office for questions regarding the specifics of their plans.
A Message from our Superintendent
Last updated August 4, 2020
The optimal scenario for our students’ educational advancement and social-emotional well-being is to return to a full face-to-face instructional model. However, we also recognize the on-going requirement to balance those educational needs with the competing needs of a pandemic. There is nothing easy about these circumstances. Yet we have to make decisions with an awareness of the constant changing nature of the situation.
We want to take the first steps of returning to school so we can:
- develop positive relationships between teachers and students
- establish effective routines
- find success in our protocols
- work towards normalcy for our children
Each of the 70 Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Omaha is sharing reopening plans with their school communities. Reopening plans will look different at each school depending upon the area of the archdiocese where the school resides and the level of health risk in the community spread area. The size of the classroom and the number of students in each classroom will also be a part of the equation as each school finalizes their plans. Those plans are subject to change based on updated guidance from local health officials. Some of our schools will be able to remain in a full face- to-face instruction, while others will adapt to a hybrid 50/50 instructional model, and others may need to enter into full remote learning instruction. All of our schools have been making plans for each of these instructional models over the course of the summer.
We acknowledge that there are families who have medical concerns about returning to the building, and our schools will have alternative learning opportunities to accommodate your needs. Please contact your school for details of what those alternative learning opportunities could look like for you.
I can assure you that all of our schools have safety measures in place to limit the spread of the virus. Those measures include social distancing, mask wearing where and when necessary to reduce contact and frequent sanitizing practices throughout the building.
Elementary students will be kept in cohorts and will have limited interactions with other groups of students to reduce the amount of contact. High schools will have increased measures in place to ensure social distancing and require students to wear masks.
As we continue to learn more about the COVID-19 virus, please know that your Catholic school will follow directed health measures and recommendations from the health experts in their communities. The health and safety of your children will continue to be our priority as we return back to the classroom. Also know that your Catholic school community is in our prayers during this uncertain time.
We thank you for your continued support of our schools and our mission - to create disciples of Jesus who will go out and proclaim the Gospel.
Vickie Kauffold
Frequently Asked Questions about Returning to School
All schools are requiring students to have masks with them while at school. How often the students will be asked to wear a mask will depend upon the other health measures that a school has put into place. These include:
• social distancing
• students traveling in cohort groups
• ventilation of classrooms
• limiting duration of students’ proximity to one another
Different school activities will determine whether a mask is worn. With proper safety measures in place, we do not expect that students will wear masks all day.
Most Catholic schools across our archdiocese are parochial – meaning they are operated at the local, parish level. We recommend that parents contact school principals to inquire about remote learning opportunities available to their children. Each school has a contingency plan for distance learning in the event that the public health situation makes in-person learning impossible.
If your child currently receives medical treatment for a health issue, please contact your school for potential options to meet their learning needs.
Families seeking to exercise this option will need to contact the Nebraska Department Education. You can visit their website for more information and for the necessary paperwork.