STILL Shining His Light: Continued impact of Catholic school community service challenge
Most of us are living day-to-day right now, but remember a few months ago when we wrote this blog post? The St. James Seton sixth grader who was this year’s “Shine a Light in the Community” winner is still making a difference. Read on for inspiration below. God is good!
As part of her project, Emma Kreikemeier established a food pantry in late 2019 at a local Omaha public school, Hartman Elementary School. She received $1,000 from our office to purchase starter supplies and also supplemented with her own funds to provide additional items such as toiletries for student families in need.
Flash forward to March 2020. Emma and her family recently got a message from the principal at Hartman Elementary, shown below:
I know when you took on the project to help stock our pantry at Hartman you had no idea a worldwide crisis, such as this pandemic, was on the horizon. I just want you to know that your generosity in helping our families get some of the basic necessities they needed was a huge help to our community. And now, as I help many of our families through this difficult time, to be able to take them to our pantry and not have to send them to a remote location to some other pantry, just allows us to take one more worry off their plate.
I just wanted to say thank you and let you know what an impact your project had, and continues to have on so many. Your parents should be incredibly proud of the young lady they raised and her huge heart.Thank you!
Shelly Burghardt
Principal, Hartman Elementary School
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Catholic school students like Emma continue to make a difference for others every day.
Here are some ideas for how to help others in the current situation:
- Donate to a local food bank
- Write letters to nearby senior citizens who may be struggling with increased isolation
- Volunteer to call people at your parish
- Don’t forget to call to check in with members of your extended family!
- Make a financial donation
- Commit to daily prayers of healing for the world
How will Emma’s story inspire YOU to live mercy this week?